What if I want to schedule an appointment, but I already have undergone tests at another clinic?


To attend an appointment with previous test results, they must be less than a year old. If they meet this criterion, our specialists can analyze them and give you a second opinion, in addition to recommending the treatment and/or procedure that best suits your needs.

What if I want to schedule an appointment, but I already have undergone tests at another clinic?2020-01-31T18:19:46+00:00

Is a diagnostic appointment important?


Yes, it is necessary to determine the factors that are causing the infertility problem, as well as the treatment that is most likely to help the patients achieve a pregnancy. The cost of the treatment or procedure is also taken into account.

Is a diagnostic appointment important?2020-01-31T18:10:18+00:00

What happens during the first appointment?


Durante la primera consulta, el médico especialista conoce, analiza y evalúa la historia clínica de los pacientes para determinar la causa de la infertilidad. También se lleva a cabo un ultrasonido vaginal. Posteriormente, indica a la pareja qué exámenes y estudios son necesarios para confirmar el diagnóstico. A partir de los resultados es posible [...]

What happens during the first appointment?2020-01-31T18:09:57+00:00

What packages do you have?


All of our treatments are personalized, that is, they are adjusted to the needs of each couple. Therefore, we do not have any packages that apply to all cases. We suggest you and your partner make an appointment so that our specialists can advise you and propose the most adequate treatment.

What packages do you have?2020-01-31T18:07:16+00:00

Do you have a sperm bank?


At IECH we have a wide catalog of previously selected donors. During the selection process, high quality controls are established to avoid genetic, hormonal, psychological, and sexually transmitted diseases.

Do you have a sperm bank?2020-01-31T18:06:33+00:00

What treatments and procedures does IECH have?


En IECH brindamos todos los tratamientos y procedimientos de reproducción, de baja y alta complejidad, para que nuestros pacientes puedan lograr el embarazo y cumplir su más grande sueño, ser padres. Entre nuestros servicios se encuentran los exámenes diagnósticos y de laboratorio de fertilidad, así como todos los tratamientos de infertilidad: coito programado, inseminación [...]

What treatments and procedures does IECH have?2020-03-05T18:48:40+00:00