What is surrogacy? Do you perform this procedure?


La maternidad subrogada es un procedimiento en el que una mujer alquila su vientre a parejas con problemas de infertilidad o parejas homoparentales de hombres para que éstas puedan tener hijos. Lamentablemente, por el momento no hay una ley que regule o prohíba este procedimiento, por lo que ambas partes quedarían desamparadas ante la [...]

What is surrogacy? Do you perform this procedure?2020-01-31T18:23:36+00:00

What is the ROPA method and what does it involve?


Aimed exclusively at female same-sex couples, the ROPA method is a treatment in which one of the women donates her egg so that the embryo can be implanted in her partner’s womb to achieve a pregnancy. If you would like more information, we suggest you schedule an appointment at any IECH center.

What is the ROPA method and what does it involve?2020-01-31T18:23:18+00:00